Trends of Blockchain Technology is now rising over the world of digital marketing

We are in a world of technology where Bitcoin comes before bank and Google comes before think! Yes, at present, the blockchain technology is getting a lot bigger than the database. And when it comes to digital marketing, Blockchain technology is evolving at a rapid pace.
As the competition in the IT sector grows on the graph, digital marketing has become the key aspects for almost every business to stand out from their competitors. Since the trend of digital is highly impossible to descend, the adoption of blockchain technology in this era seems a lot more impressive.

What is Blockchain Technology?

You might have heard about Bitcoin, the digital cash which is moving up and down in terms of volume. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency which is completely decentralized, means that it runs cross-border (across the world) without the involvement of central authority.
This type of cryptocurrency/Bitcoin is built on a technology called Blockchain where the records of transactions are created as a digital ledger. Since it is digital, the transactions cannot be altered or deleted which makes it as the best possible solutions for industries like Political, stumbling on identity & personal data, banking & financial sectors, healthcare and digital marketing as well.
If you think, Blockchain Technology is nothing but a bitcoin, you’re in misconception. Rather, it is a newer technique to track the truthful events. The records with this technology are stored securely in decentralized systems. Recorded transactions are interconnected, given that it doesn’t have centralized point.
Emerging Blockchain Technology for Digital Marketing
  • WebCoin — The firm connects cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and Digital Marketing. It builds a platform that intends to resolve key issues of digital marketing including higher cost involved in advertising as well as to tackle the issue arising in reaching out global audience.
  • Inda Hash — This Company connects influencers with brands by implementing blockchain technology. Inda Hash claims to unites 300000 influencers in one campaign with brands like Gillette, Ikea, Milka etc.
  • — It seems as the fastest blockchain technology to connect brands with the target audience. Frendz simplifies digital advertising using peer-to-peer communication.
Besides these, there are other companies that are running with a similar motive, few of those are Presearch, PM7, AdHive, Wolk,, Lydian and unlike.

To SumUp!

Digital Marketing with Blockchain technology has become a new and trending strategy for top brands and advertising agencies. Even though the crypto market is flexible and not in a situation that it was during December 2017, people still invest in it. And especially, implementing blockchain technology which itself is digital across the digital marketing is driving companies to a bigger scope.
